Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Step 1: What Is The Energy Consumption Of My Household?

Today we're going to follow-up on yesterday's post 5 Steps To Determine If Residential Wind Power Is Right For You with more details about how to tackle step one.

In order to get a handle on your electricity consumption, you will have to go through several of your household utility bills to determine how much energy you use each month. It would be best if you could go back at least one year and get the monthly average for an entire calendar year. The number you come up with should be expressed in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and will be used to determine how much electricity you will expect a residential wind turbine to produce. At this point you may also want to record your average monthly utility costs as well, since you will need that number for your final calculations in step five.

Interested in residential wind power? Considered building your own turbine?
You can get started with today with Power4Home.

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